How to Use Feng Shui Principles in Home Selection?

When it comes to your home, you must find a good design and interior. The home's interior must reflect positivity so that you feel happy when you go into the house. There are different ways through which you can do this, and one of the practices people have been using to make their home more positive is a Chinese practice called the Feng Shui principle.

When it comes to your home, you must find a good design and interior. The home's interior must reflect positivity so that you feel happy when you go into the house. There are different ways through which you can do this, and one of the practices people have been using to make their home more positive is a Chinese practice called the Feng Shui principle.

With the help of this method, you can balance the energies in your home, and it is a simple way to improve the vibes of your home. If you want to know how to use this Feng Shui principle in your home selection, this article is just for you. So, let's jump right into the article and look at it.

What is the Feng Shui Principle?

The first thing you need to know is the Feng Shui Principle. This is a metaphysical practice that has been around for thousands of years. This practice allows you to understand your place inspired by the five essential elements of Taoism. Previously, people used this practice to find the best and most favourable places for building apartments, growing crops, and finding places for life activities.

The five elements used in this practice are earth, metal, water, fire, and wood. The right balance of these five elements ensures that the home you are getting has all the happy and positive vibes and is suitable for you to have a peaceful life here.

How will the Feng Shui Principle help in Home Selection?

Based on the Feng Shui principle, you need to look for many different things when hunting for a house. Follow a few things you must look for when trying to find the best home for yourself and your family.


1.The Front Door:

First, you must look at the house's front door, also known as the "Mouth of Chi." This front door is where all the nergies enter from here. When it comes to the front doors, there are different things that you need to look at according to the Feng Shui principle.

Make sure that the entrance is painted correctly and not damaged. If it is damaged, then make sure you are getting it repaired. Furthermore, look if the entrance is well-illuminated. There should be enough lighting around the front floor to be bright even at night. Keep the light bulbs clean and declutter the front of the house from unnecessary mail and greenery. This gives a cheerful look to the house and sets the tone.

Adding a stone statue around your front door is also considered positive. Stone is the earth element that brings good vibes to the home and acts as a buffer for the house.

2.The Kitchen:

We all know how important a kitchen is; it is also known as the heart of home. This is where you will get all your nourishment and food from. In terms of Feng Shui, the kitchen is the area of the house from where you accumulate wealth and health, so you must take a detailed and good look at the kitchen.

The cooker top must be in the most favourable position to ensure you cook from a commanding position. Besides this, you need to ensure you don't have your back to the entrance at the stove since it is not a commanding position. According to the Feng Shui principle, having the stove in a commanding position ensures that positivity is being infused into your meal, and it benefits the people of the home.

When applying the Feng Shui principle at home, you must also see that the kitchen is more of an open space instead of isolating. This promotes family gatherings and allows the members to communicate freely.

If you want to balance the energies in your kitchen, then one thing you should do is not place water near the fire. This means do not place the sink near the stove because, according to Chinese symbols, the water will extinguish the fire and can cause an energy imbalance.


Bedrooms are another essential part of the house. The house members relax, relive, and feel fresh in these rooms. When it comes to the bedrooms, you need to ensure that the beds are in a commanding position. Now, what does that mean?

The commanding position of the rooms means the beds should be located in such a way that you can see the room's entrance and should not be the opposite way. The bed should be placed against a solid wall, not under a window. Also, avoid placing your bed under the chandeliers or the lights, as it puts pressure on the mind.

Make sure you have a bed headboard so your bedroom feels more balanced. Also, when trying to find rooms, pick a room with subtle colours that look bright. Also, use dim lights in the room to make it feel relaxing. You can also use the scented candles to give the room a better ambience and feel.



There are a lot of families who like having a workspace in their house. Therefore, if you also want the workspace, try decorating it so your back does not fall away. Face a window to get better energy, and when you are trying to decorate the room, make sure you have active energy on your left and quiet energy on your right.

Final Words:

When finding a house, things can be very stressful and overwhelming. You need to find the right location, the correct interior, and the house's good vibes. If you believe in the Feng Shui principle but need to learn how to use it in the home selection process, we hope this article benefits you.